Caldeiras Bar
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Carlos Alberto Lopes Costa was “the Man” behind the start of Bar Caldeiras. He established his business at the same location as it remains today. The name was chosen with reference to the proximity to the Chã das Caldeiras and, as a tribute to the land that our founder took to heart – Furnas. It is in this property that Carlos Costa – “The Boss”, envisioned an ambitious endeavor that goes beyond just another bar in the village. Tailored service, attention to detail and fair prices make us seond to none. Each client was unique and client satisfaction was a priority, from local to sporadic visitors, the old Bar Caldeiras became a strong reference in S. Miguel island.
With the company restructure, in 2007, its mission and values were strengthened. The bar was temporarily closed for remodeling in October 2008 with the promise that the interregnum would be brief and that the business essence would not be altered.
The promise was fulfilled and validated by our returning Bar Caldeiras customers. The renewed space opened on August 20th, 2009, with distinct bar areas, a new snack-bar/pub area, and an expanded pool tables area. Usual costumers return immediately and new ones enter our doors daily.
The new and improved kitchen area also allowed for menu improvements. Besides the already famous Vitor´s burger “with all” (bacon egg cheeseburger with a tomato and onion typical sauce) the bar now offers La Poutine – a crispy home fries dish, covered with azorean cheese and spicy beer sauce, inspired by some québécois culinary influence.
Do not forget the spicy stuffed eggs, the traditional pickled eggs and/or the seasoned salted lupine beens. You may prefer the company trademark- Queijada de Inhame das Furnas® or simply choose an ice cream from the “Farmland Icecreams” locally produced by neighbouring fruits of Gorreana. All of these can be washed down with either one of the local beers, local soft drinks, waters, coffee or tea. A wide selection of local traditional liqueurs as well as distilled spirits are always a great choice.